Vertical Inspiration: Choosing Wall covering to Wow Any Crowd

We are surrounded by our walls and they are an integral part of home that we so often tend to take for granted, despite the fact that we spend a lot of our time staring at them without paying as much attention to how they look as we should.

How you choose your wall coverings and the color scheme you use will have a major impact on how the room looks and feels, so it is definitely worth taking the time to choose a wall covering that will give your home that wow factor.

The basics

Understanding how to use wall coverings and wall decals will help you to make the right choice of material and design for the look and feel that you want in your room.

When we talk about wall coverings, we are referring to pretty much anything that you use in order to decorate your walls, so that can mean paint and wallpaper but it can also refer to more creative materials like plaster or even fabrics.

You need to think about things like your overall design vision and even give consideration to aspects like how much traffic the room will see, as these are factors that will all strongly influence your decision on what materials and design you want to use.

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Paint and wallpaper are the default option for many people and there is plenty you can do to enhance their look if you use either of these wall coverings and then look for some finishing touches with wall decals from places like Bed Bath & Beyond amongst others.

Floor and wall covering harmony

When you are choosing an appropriate design and color scheme for your walls, you will need to give due consideration to the floor coverings you are using, so that you get a harmonious flow between the two areas.

You might want to consider whether your wall surface will have several different features, which will act as an aesthetically pleasing barrier between the floor and wall surfaces and add a greater depth and level of attractiveness to the room.

This can also be achieved when you select materials that compliment your floor covering, such as using layers that help to bring out the beauty of surfaces like natural stone and others.

Not just wallpaper

Let your creative juices flow and remember that although there are plenty of great options with wallpaper and paints, they are not the only choices that you have by some way.

Fabrics are becoming increasingly popular as a wall covering and this is because they not only offer a fresh design outlook, but they also add an element of warmth and ambiance to the room.

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You might also want to consider materials like tiles, marble and wood work but also remember that the materials you choose don’t just have a visual impact, materials like fabrics can even provide a bit of soundproofing if you live in an apartment or condo.

Your choice of wall coverings is really only limited by your imagination so get some vertical inspiration and start thinking about how you can show off your walls to their best effect.

Gary Hawkins works in interior design. He loves to write about his experiences in the field. His articles can be found mainly on DIY and home improvement websites.

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