Top Secret Interior Design

Everybody is waiting with bated breath to see the wedding dress created for Kate Middleton’s royal wedding to Prince William. Well, maybe not everyone. I confess to be one of millions who will be watching to see her wear what will likely become the most copied gown for years to come. To keep all imitators at bay, the dress details are closely guarded until the wedding day. I guess they do not think that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Kate’s wedding gown will be a unique, beautiful design that was custom made just for her.

The same general principles apply to interior decorating. But instead of wedding gowns, I work on homes and offices. My designs are custom made just for the client. I take into consideration the client’s needs and style preferences when doing their special creation. Good design is not about getting something very expensive, but about getting what is right for the client while staying within the parameters of style and color coordination. I can walk into an empty room and envision many varied styles and designs ranging from white shag rugs to Queen Anne furniture. But, if I do my job right, I find the design style that fits my client’s personality, preferences and needs.

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I think our goal statement sums it up quite well. Our heartfelt mission is to provide a clear pathway to guide clients in making sound decorating decisions that reflect their individual taste, and to deliver a unique level of customer service, personal care, and attention to every aspect of the home decorating experience. We see our mission accomplished when your newly decorated space makes you say “aaaah”!

Everyone I work with is my own “Kate Middleton” and receives the “royal treatment” with a design custom made just for them. I too can be very hush-hush about the details of a specific design until all is said and done and the time is right to reveal the special creation to the world. While interior decorating clients may not have as much secrecy swirling about their interior decorating projects, they still receive the “royal treatment” from me. My designs are created especially for them. I bring all needed elements together saving them time, money, aggravation and gas. That is service fit for a queen or a princess!

Try your hand at some interior decorating in your home right now using the principles of good design. Determine what styles and colors are right for you and work them into the room’s needs and functions. What you come up with will work very well for your home. You will be on the right track! Have some fun with this and you may just surprise yourself with your creations.

ALSO READ ->  Psychological approach to interior design includes two basic functions

I need to go out now and pick up my mail. I hope my invitation to the royal wedding did not get lost. I already bought the perfect pair of shoes to wear. Till later- Linda

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