Styling Up a Colorful Bedroom

Are you tired of sleeping in a bedroom with all the boring shades of black, brown and gray? Well, aside from white, these are the usual colors present in most bedrooms. This is because they are safe, easy to mix and match, and most of all, easy to clean. But these shades also have the tendency to make you feel sad and depressed. If you’re starting to feel down because of your bedroom colors, then it’s definitely time to get the bright shades in.

But how should you choose colors for your bedroom? This can be easy for those who have an eye for design, but if you don’t share the same talent, then this can be a difficult chore to accomplish. Hence, to here are some pointers for selecting bright shades for your bedroom without making your personal space a total eyesore:

1. Go for contrasting shades. You may want to refer to a color wheel to see which colors complement each other and those that clash. Among the best shades to choose are those that are either those that are total contrasts, or those that transcend from one hue to another.

2. Match bright colors with neutral ones. Many bright colors match well with earth shades. These include light shades of blue and green with brown, or white with pastel pinks and yellows. You may use the earthen colors in the background, and the brighter shades for the accents and decors.

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3. Your favorite colors. If you’re not sure with what the color wheel says, then go for your favorite shades. You can incorporate your favorite colors on the more neutral ones, as long as they do not get confusing to the eyes. You may go for pinks and greens, as long as they’re not neon and offer subtle hues, or deep reds as long as they are complemented by whites or blacks.

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