Now, that monsoon has officially begun, bring out those dust covers, umbrellas, clear up the balconies and buy a few good doormats. Well, this piece of article is for only those who are really cautious about their valuable and rather won’t risk them to nature’s fury. In this article, we would speak about how to add earthy romance in your home.

- Add indoor plants that require shelter from excessive water, spread a colorful sheet on your expensive sofa and replace those blinds with drapes.
- Add fresh flowers to the home-Fill the home with refreshing aroma of their coffee beans; bring out cottons and moccasin
- Add romantic touch to the home
- Use vibrant shades to perk up overall look of the home. Shades like deep red and yellow of bell purple, the deep purple look stylish
- The pastel shades, pale, monochrome shades are best for rainy season