How to select wall shade for bedrooms?

Gone are the days, when bedrooms were just used for sleeping or tete-a-tete conversation. Now, the times have changed a lot! Yes, unlike other rooms, bedroom also deserves attention. In this post, we have discussed about wall shades that are best for your bedroom. But before jumping into actual post, there are several factors that you need to consider:
Factors that you need to consider before selecting wall shade
First and foremost is the personality of the person because that would define interior décor of the bedroom. As discussed, in earlier post also for some people red shade is jumpy and exciting colour, but for others it is a bold shade and they don’t want to incorporate it. Likewise, for 187some people white is a dreary and dull shade that lowers down overall ambiance of the room, but in actuality white has inherent quality to enlarge space.
Second factor that you need to consider is overall interior décor of the bedroom. It may include bed color, coffee table, couch or other furniture and accessories present in the bedroom. Based on that you can select the perfect wall shade for the bedroom!
Thirdly, you need to consider light arrangements in home. Wall paint should be complementary with wall sconces and table lamps. Lighting arrangements depends upon size and function of the room, as bedroom needs less lights, so select wall shades accordingly.
Other factors that you need to consider is: whether you want your bedroom to be a cozier space or you want it to exude cool shades like blue, green, etc.
Visual impact is another factor that you can’t afford to ignore.
Fourth and most important, don’t neglect the kids if they share bedroom with you. Keep their views in mind. Find some interior decorator that can help you with the same. Engaging kids can be fun! After all, the room belongs to them too, isn’t it?
How to select wall shades for the bedrooms?
Bedrooms are sanctuaries to relax and enjoy, and the color scheme of your bedroom have a great impact on how much time you enjoy spending in the room. Selecting perfect wall shade for your bedroom can be successful when you know a bit about colour wheel and impact of colours on your overall mood as well as your body parts. There is lot more to mere painting a room than you thought!
Colour Theory plays an important role- With help of colour wheel you can divide colours into primary, secondary and tertiary shades. White, black and gray are considered as neutral shades. Colours like red, orange and yellow are considered as warm shades, thereby making the room appear more cozier and intimate. These shades are best for places that suffer from harsh winter conditions. Blue, violet and green are considered as cool shades, thereby making the room appear large than what actually it is. In general, the more intense the colour is, stronger will be its visual impact.
Color Response-Second tip that you need to consider before selecting colour response is to get some expert advice. According to the experts, colours have a strong impact on our thoughts about space. Pale shades make the room appear larger and airier, while intense or dark shades makes the room appear small and more closed in. Shades of yellow and red stimulates the feeling of energy and excitement, but also it is a symbol of anger, retaliation and irritation.
Colors in green, blue and violet produce feelings of calmness but can also make the space look dull. Keeping into account both visual and emotional effect that it creates the decorating authorities suggests you to use more restful colours.
Other things that you need to consider-Apart from color wheel and color response there are several factors that a home owner needs to consider. According to Benjamin Moore’s, Colour speaks an all together different language. It creates visual interest in the room and provokes emotional response towards the home. The intensity of colour has a great impact. For example, a shade selected in brightly lit environment will have different effect as compared to greyish light. Not only you should select paint samples carefully, but you should examine the samples on bright sunny day as well as cloudy days, in natural sunlight as well as artificial light, in daylight and in evening. The look of paint in artificial light is particularly important for bedrooms. What looks heavenly shade in sunlight may look dreary shade in night. Selecting lavender shades or soft gray with pink shades may make the bedroom look more inviting.

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Other color factors that you need to consider-In many homes, the proportion and location of the bedroom plays an important role. For examples, in homes where bedrooms are located at stubbornly dark places the color shades should be selected differently. While light shades generally add space to the room, some decorators point out to use medium shades of color for home. It will have better brightening effect and give definition to the space. Blending the medium tone green with creamy furniture would work. An accent wall, well defined accessories or other architectural features creates an undistinguished home space. Medium to strong color interact effectively with neutral shades to produce strong sense of light.

Try different shades-In addition to above-mentioned paint chips and catalogues, online paint selection tool can help you think innovatively about your bedroom. There are several sites available on the internet that can help you to zero down choice. Even leading company website like Asian paints helps you to do so. The main benefit of this tool is you can select perfect shade for the bedroom without any hiccups. Other sites like House Beautiful paint brush helps you to experiment with different shades starting from ceilings to walls and trim of model rooms. Your choices may be limitless, so the options are. Surprising, isn’t ?

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Before selecting wall shade for your home there are various factors that you need to consider like color response i.e the perception the people would form, visual impact that it creates, it effects on eyes, how does the paint shade look in brightly lit environment and how it looks in stubbornly dark environment, whether you have a small bedroom or you have a large bedroom, the emotional effect that a color creates. Even a little tint here or there can play havoc in your life.

If you are unknown to any of these factors, you can take help of experts or you can go and search the same on the internet. Internet is a handy tool that helps you to find the colour that is the best for your bedroom. There are several sites that come handy. So, thinking about what, prop up your feet and select colour shades that suits your home décor.
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Have a happy reading!

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