How To Sanitize And Disinfect Your Home In The Lockdown Of COVID-19? 8 Easy Ways!

Lockdown 3.0 is well on its way now. And Coronavirus cases in India are rapidly rising. At this point of time, it is imperative that we STAY AT HOME and disinfect ourselves and our surroundings frequently. Since we are spending all the hours at home, regular disinfecting and sanitizing our rooms and furniture is required. Even when the home looks clean with the regular mop, sanitizing care is also required under present circumstances. While only cleaning removes the germs, disinfecting actually kills them. And killing the microbes is very much needed at this hour of emergency. This blog-post aims at how to sanitize and disinfect your home in 8 easy ways following which one can keep their home safe from microbes.

  1. First cleaning, and then disinfecting

As stated above, don’t get confused between cleaning and disinfecting. While cleaning removes contaminants and microbes from a surface, disinfecting kills them. It is recommended that one does both the processes in this current pandemic situation. Cleaning the surfaces comes first, followed by disinfecting them: for any surfaces or clothing; first clean them with soapy water and then apply a proper disinfectant spray. Disinfectants like isopropyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide are some of the options available easily in the market.

  1. Disinfecting high-touch surfaces in every room; living, dining, study etc.
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High-touch surfaces are the most affected surfaces in the house, like tabletops, switches, doorknobs, TV remotes, keyboards and cell phones need special cleaning regularly. You can use a microfiber wet cloth and an alcohol-based cleaner to sanitize these surfaces. Go for an alcohol rub bottle that promises to kill 99.9% of germs. If you do not have any such rubs, solutions like Dettol and Savlon also act as great disinfectants.

disinfecting-homes-3 How To Sanitize And Disinfect Your Home In The Lockdown Of COVID-19? 8 Easy Ways!
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  1. Taking care of the kitchen

Food is one of the easiest ways microbes can get inside the body. So it is obvious and mandatory that our kitchen and dining spaces need regular cleaning. Make sure that your fridge, microwave, vegetable baskets and cutlery are disinfected properly. Prefer not using the grocery bags provided by the shops.

  1. Sanitizing bathrooms

Here also the high-touch surfaces, like taps, mats and knobs need regular sanitizing. Don’t forget to sundry your towels after every use as wet surfaces foster microbial growth.

  1. Taking care of the laundry

This is another important aspect of sanitization and cleaning. Because even after a wash if the microbes still remain, your aim is not fulfilled. You can use disposable gloves while handling the laundry. Use warm water and disinfectants for washing the clothes. While using a washing machine, wash it thoroughly with lukewarm water before putting in the clothes. You can also dry it at a temperature slightly higher than normal to disinfect the clothes further.

  1. Phones and tablets; disinfect them as well
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This is the hardest part of the disinfecting process, as these devices are frail and delicate. But these high-touch surfaces can be easily disinfected by using disinfecting wipes. Special attention must be given to the screen, buttons and any tiny gaps that collect dust. In case your phone has a cover, remove it and clean the underneath as well.

disinfecting-homes-1 How To Sanitize And Disinfect Your Home In The Lockdown Of COVID-19? 8 Easy Ways!
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  1. What about computers and laptops?

Disinfecting wipes are not suitable for computers and laptops. Instead, one can clean the display with an isopropyl alcohol solution and a microfiber cloth. Don’t forget to disinfect the keyboard, mouse pad, mouse, CPU and every other computer accessory you possess.

  1. Keeping one-self virus-free
  • Make sure you frequently wash your hands after you touch your face, cough or sneeze. In any case, wash your hands frequently. WHO recommends that a 20 second-hand wash is sufficient for disinfecting hands. Additionally applying moisture to the hands is also needed. Dry and split skin also fosters infection.
  • The best thing one can do right now is to stay at home. Even if one is not feeling sick, staying confined at a particular place is highly recommended. The more you pose yourself in crowded places, the higher are the chances of getting infected.
  • The Coronavirus is transmitted through personal contact or respiratory droplets. Make sure to avoid these two at public places. Even if you are going outside for mandatory reasons, wear a mask and maintain a six-foot distance from your fellow man.
  • Plenty of cheap masks are available in the market. You can use them or make your own cotton mask at home.
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Stay home, stay safe and save yourself from rumors!

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