In our earlier post, we have discussed a lot about powder room and how to look it trendy and this post is extended version of it. Here is a simple way to make it look contemporary and urbane:
Add smart design to the powder kitchen

Go for the latest technologies to give your bathroom modern update. Use lighting sensors as they come extremely handy. WC along with auto flushes are also part of state-of-the-art technology, says Chabria. Bhatt prefers remote controlled locking system and sensor doors.
Remember certain dos and don’ts in mind

Befor designing a powder kitchen, it is pertinent to remember certain do’s and don’ts in mind. Caperting should be avoided in the powder kitchen as it is not completely dry zone-go for a stylish rug, instead. Try to keep it simple, especially for a small space and avoid cluttering it with lot of shelves and products. Bhatt suggests, using decking wood as an alternative to marble or tile because it water resistant.
Avoid leather

Don’t use materials like leather for wallpapers. The flooring and wall tiles should be unified in appearance, as to much materials can make the space look smaller.