How to keep your home rain proof?

There are several things that we love about monsoon- the lingering fragrance of wet mud after a downpour, lush garden view, from windows and work off. But the question arises how to protect oneself from this downpour? Well, though rains throw life out of gear, bringing with the problems related to maintenance, furniture and upholstery artwork and walls. Battling with all these problems is essential to avoid long term problems. Hence, Choksi, renowned interior designer says it is important to safeguard your house with some fall-safe tips and then follow below-mentioned tips. The best one can do when it is raining is to let it rain. Here we provide you some expert tips on how to solve the present problems that you may face this rainy season.

How to take care of upholstery?

Fabric tends to get misty and develop fungal growth owing to the dampness and constant water downpour. Nikita Desai, vice president of leading interior decoration firm D’décor, a home fabrics brand says that exposing fabrics and upholstery to sunlight whenever it is possible pays off in a long run. For leather furniture, Mewara suggests that wiping it with a soft cloth, avoiding the use of hot dryers and keeping it well-aired all the times helps a lot. Use natural oils and leather conditioners to protect your upholstery from harsh weather conditions or opt for home remedies like dilute white vinegar to get rid of mold and mildew.

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Walls and wallpapers

Concrete is porous and allows moisture to enter in, which gets collected within the walls itself. This in-built moisture then create dampness in your home’s interior wall surfaces as well as lead to paint peeling off, says reputed interior designer Mewara. Desai says that a fool proof remedy is to buy water-resistant paint for the exterior. Avoid painting the walls during or after the monsoon as the walls retain moisture for long time duration. Wall paper is a good solution to this problem. Vinyl wallpaper is easy to maintain- and they need to be wiped with a damp cloth.

How to protect furniture and fixtures?

Rain can create havoc to your expensive furniture. So, what is the best solution for it? Well, the solution is to add a water sealer varnish to furniture. It is easily available with the vendor that deals with wood, says reputed designer Choksi. Desai further adds, all wooden furniture should be polished, waxed and cleaned on regular basis. Always place silica gel sachets, camphor balls or natural neem leaves in cupboards to keep the home interiors relatively dry. Further, the teakwood furniture is the best as  it demands less maintenance due to its superior quality. Mewara further points that one shouldn’t be fooled by laminate furniture considering it as low maintenance item! They can easily develop cracks, scratches and mud deposits. Regular waxing and polishing is of utmost importance. For wrought iron furniture, it is best to apply anti-rust coating.

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