How to décor a new home

A new home brings with it lot of hope and inspiration to do better than earlier, but in case you have bought a new one, it is bit overwhelming, isn’t? well, before starting with tips, let me congratulate you for your first big buy and secondly fret not! With these simple décor ideas and few innovative ways, you can turn the modest home into an expensive looking space. You can add a bit of posh and  style to the home without breaking the bank. Here’s how you can do it:

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The first and most important step is to think where to store things-rest will follow it. You may be stuck with extra bedding or suitcases or want to store wedding gifts or apparels, with nowhere to go. Make the room for these things at the outset.

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Think about an open kitchen– an overhead storage space seems small? And you think there is no room for extra water tank or do you want to save balcony space? Think through all these things carefully. You can even take the help of professional contractor or interior designers. These professionals will give you valuable advice on how to knock down the less space.

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Think about safety- those window grills, door locks, aren’t just a necessary item, rather it is important in terms of safety too. Get them impromptu- better safe than sorry!

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Make sufficient storage space in the kitchen-the kitchen is invariably a space where you spend lot of time. Make happy memories while cooking up new dishes, or even the old ones with storm of friends and relatives! Make sure that the space has good ventilation arrangements and sufficient storage space for crockery and kitchen gadgets. Counter space is important too, based on your style of cooking.

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Consider painting-in most of the new homes owner do a basic paint job. Seek a professional help or expert advice where you will get right opinion about painting that your wall need, prepping that you wall need and finishes or textures to make your home look fabulous. Research exhaustively and look for inspiration in this blog.

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Buy core furniture pieces– the core furniture pieces like sofa, dining table, wardrobe is a right investment. Apart from that study the materials, durability, maintenance for the best withing your budget. The other small items like chairs and cabinets can be made part of the home.

wooden-furniture-Bangalore-online-furniture-shopping-Bangalore-modular-furniture-Bangalore How to décor a new home
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Change the furnishing style– showoff your furnishing style. Start with the front door and make an impression by adding an elegant rug or a doormat that spells charm. Use drapes and curtains that complement with the look of the room and bring in some stylish ottomans or floor cushions to pep up the look of the home. Add throw pillows for an instant style.

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