Complete Office Furniture Solutions

Solutions for the office come in many forms from furniture and storage to access systems, partitions and presentation systems.

Access Control Systems
Do you know who is in your office? When, where, and at what time?
Your data and your business assets are critical to you. With a secure access control system, not only are staff secure, their own integrity can be safeguarded. From simple clocking in ‘time & attendance’ functions to full remote monitoring and messaging services, Future Office Access Control solutions are safeguarding our clients large and small throughout the UK right now.

Within the systems, cctv can be integrated, fire and security alarms plus external barrier & turnstile controls for both human and vehicular access. i-Box, for example, operates both security and environmental monitoring and remote site monitoring, perfect for central IT management.

Screens and Partitions
In today’s open plan offices, there are times when you ‘need to escape’ or need privacy for client confidentiality etc.

Screens and partitions can be installed on a desktop or can be freestanding. From a simple desktop divider through to a self contained office unit, screens offer flexibility to a business where space is at a premium.

Screens are usually available in fabric, acrylic, vinyl and glazed finishes, with screens to fit all requirements and interiors.

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Fixed glazed and permanent partitioning is designed and installed to suit individual requirements. Partners who can etch or emboss glass with corporate logo’s can be introduced to enable you to create your own unique environment.

Storage partitioning offers an ideal alternative to conventional partitioning, using cupboard storage to effectively create office and meeting space. Such systems combine the features of breaking up space with the functionality of essential storage units.

Audio Visual & Presentation Systems
As companies work to limit paper use, how do we keep our clients and staff informed?
The ability to scan straight to ‘flash pen/usb drives’ means it is easier than ever to have truly portable documents. Why have your message on a laptop when it can be presented on a wall?

Projection, audio systems, display screens and touch screen technologies, bringing interactive learning and commerce to a business. Such systems can produce deal clinching boardroom, adding that important finishing touch to a presentation suite, impressing clients and showing off a business to its best potential.

Health and safety in the workplace has cost many companies significant sums of money in recent years through lack of compliance. Staff are the key assets to a company, critical to the day to day business service delivery. Comfortable staff work longer hours, are more productive and show a better return for their employers.

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Office furniture suppliers look at the environment staff work in, the space needed to work effectively in and the number of people that are required to be accommodated within that space. The new office is then planned out, observing importantly the HSE guidelines on a modern working space to ensure your business’ compliancy to ever changing directives. Many offer a full service which assists with not just office desks and office seating but all aspects of an office make-over or build including flooring, lighting, electronics and cabling.

People are all different shapes and sizes and all have different roles and requirements. Understanding ergonomics and the role it plays in the office is essential. After the common cold, backache is the greatest cause of absenteeism in the UK and a major cause is incorrect posture and more importantly, unsuitable office workplace seating. The cost of one week’s salary will often cover the cost of high grade seating.

Office seating should provide good back support and have the ability to be easily adjustable to the correct working height. It is important that elbows sit at the same height as the keyboard and feet are placed comfortably, flat on the floor.

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