Buyers guide on how to plan a family bathroom

Do you need to fit more than average accessories in your bathroom to cater to the growing family needs? Well, here’s how you can do it- additionally we have offered a lot of advice that is best even for small bathroom. But before that what makes a bathroom to work well? Well, a spacious bathroom, good storage facility and nice bath of course makes the bathroom best for the consumers. Another thing that you need to consider is surface i.e. it should be totally waterproof and clean. Here’s how you can jump start the things and get magazine like looks.

How to utilize the space optimally

The main priority is storage items should not grab the attention. In a large bathroom, one can add large cupboard beneath curvaceous sinks. The cupboard doors should be painted in a way that it easily blends well with the tile and are stress free to handle, so that your eyes don’t pop out. Another option is to get back-to- the wall loo, with the false shelf above that. It simply achieve the trick. Useful display of items and optimum utilization of storage space would be the best. In order to add more glam to the bathroom, add wall-hung heated towel rail and here’s how you can get family fit bathroom.

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How to make your family bathroom look grown up
Incorporate two basins. They are highly practical in case you have got kids, but they are trendy and you can even add on the wish list. This advice is perfect for first time buyers.


There are enough of basins to select from like:
Colored Ceramic Bathroom- A colored ceramic bathroom in otherwise plain and dreary bathroom look fantastic.

Wooden Basin- This wooden basin is made from centenarian olive trees grown in the area of Malloca. It is treated with natural resin that protects wood surfaces from water absorption.

Granite Basins- Granite Basins make a style statement instantly. It creates a natural look in the bathroom that most of us desire for.

When it comes to the bath, try to add a big bath. It is an additional vantage point for the family, so if you can fit, then one is better. By adding taps on the wall and at the center is better rather than one end. It will render spa bathroom look to the bathroom. It is the thing that most family bathrooms lack.

For bathroom floors and walls, the more areas covered should be wiped clean and waterproof surface is better.

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Tiles are the primary and best choice, but if you are covering a large area select the big ones. It will make the space look bigger.

Opt for sophisticated finish like a slate effect rather than child appealing.
Opt for mirror and good bathroom lightning to make the room look bright as possible.

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