How to clean the furniture?

Furniture plays a vital role in improving feel and decor of your home. All you need to do is to select fabric for your home that retains its vibrant look for a long time. Here are some tips on how to get perfect look for your upholstery.

  • Clean and dust your upholstery within a week to keep them prim and proper
  • Vacuum your upholstered furniture on weekly basis to remove stains
  • Make use of mild detergent or foam upholstery for cleaning
  • Ensure that your upholstered furniture don’t remain exposed to sunlight for a long time period, as colours would fade away
  • It is recommended to turn over cushions often for even wear and tear
  • Pay due attention to spills
  • Also, one should not keep paints, nail polishes or any make up. Because even a drop can change colour of upholstered furniture.
  • Last but not the least; it is advisable to hire experts to clean the upholstered furniture


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