What To Consider When You Want An Extension On Your Property

Sometimes you realise that your family home just isn’t big enough to fit everyone inside. There are a couple of options, but the most common ones are to move house or to build an extension. Many people don’t want the fuss of moving house, especially if the neighbourhood has been warm and welcoming throughout the rest of their life. If you fall into this camp, there is a good chance that you are thinking of going down the extension route too.

Of course, you will still have plenty of considerations to make when it comes to having an extension put in, but at least you won’t have to load everything on a removals truck, change your phone number and get the cat to remember where you live again. Here are just some of the things you will need to think about in order to get the job done.


You will find that the laws on property extensions vary around the globe so you should spend a bit of time doing some research.. This makes sense as you will be able to find out whether you need planning permission in order to have an extension on your plot. Some countries allow you to do this at will but only up to a certain size; anything bigger must be officially signed off, as well as taking your neighbours into consideration.

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Consider whether your budget will cover an extension? You will need to factor in labour hire costs as well as the materials needed for the structure itself. You should always seek a few quotations; anything that sounds too good to be true probably is. Avoid cowboy builders at all costs and find a firm that will give you a fair price and high quality.

End usage

Of course, you will need to decide what you will actually be doing with the space once it is completed. This will help you to give your builders the best brief about what needs to be done. You wouldn’t want to have a bathroom with a massive window that your neighbours can see through! These are all sensible things to think about so your home can be the most functional space possible; will it be a bedroom, bathroom or study?


As mentioned above, builders will be vital to getting your extension up. Not only is it much safer to use a qualified firm, but you will also be able to get the job done faster; many hands make light work after all. Some projects like roofing may require professional, specialized service. If that is the case, find quality roofers like Allstate Roofing to get the job done. You might want to be the person that oversees the job done on-site though as you will be able to raise any concerns or queries during the process that can be rectified much more quickly.

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Finally it makes sense to figure out whether you definitely need to go down the extension option at the present time. If one of your children is due to leave home for university within the year, you will have a spare room available once again. You might even find that your kids would be happy to share a room; it’s logical to find out!

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