Color Schemes for the Easter Season

Easter is a celebration of rebirth and a fresh start. It is also the mark of spring officially present in the air. It may just be a good thing to match the home with the season’s inspirations, as with the spirit of Easter felt in the surroundings, you are able to live life fresh and new as well.

Easter is best celebrated with colors. The season is usually made up of light, vibrant and cheerful shades, most of which come from nature’s elements. Not all people may like the bright hues though, so following a color scheme would help in keeping the season’s spirit alive without compromising on overall taste and style.

Among the best color schemes homes can follow to celebrate Easter are:

Blue and Yellow

Powder blue backdrops work best with lemon yellow accents, or vice versa. These color combination works best on living and dining rooms, as they can be placed on table runners, linens and covers. These shades are both light on the eyes and are able to compliment other shades in the home, such as green, purple and brown.

If you are planning to use blue as a backdrop, then better have the shade in the walls or table linens, or on floor tiles. Yellow meanwhile may serve as accents, or in curtains, doilies and flowers. If you find yellow too bright, then you may match it with white and olive green shades, just to add a subtle effect.

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Rose Pink

Rose pink is a lighter and paler shade of pink that suits best for Easter. It can be used for both backdrops and accents as it works well with earth colors.

If you’re going to use rose pink as a backdrop, then you may complement it with white linings and accents, or match it with brown furniture. You can also use pink flowers for centerpieces on rather neutral surfaces to add a pop of color.

You may also use pink on nude backdrops, such as beige or cream walls and floors.

Red and Green

Red and green also works well during Easter, the same way they do during Christmas. However, you have to be a little careful when using these colors, as they can be heavy to the eyes.

It is best to use red on table linens and runners, as during this season it works better for accents or adding pops of color to the area. Green meanwhile should be kept on its natural tones, such as olive and mint. You can use green for furniture covers, or as wallpaper, as it easily blends in with brown furniture.

Green backdrops may also be decorated with other warm colors, such as orange and yellow, just to add more variety.

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Colors to Avoid

There are also colors to avoid when following an Easter vibe. These include black, purple, and bright orange, and other neon shades. This is because Easter is not a dark and cold season; it is light and warm to the senses, and these are not represented by the said shades.

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