7 simple steps to clean the kitchen

Doing simple kitchen tasks like cooking is not tedious, cleaning the kitchen belongings can be tough job to do sometimes. Cleaning the fridge, microwave oven and other kitchen utensils is time consuming and hectic task. Moreover, the chemicals that we use while cleaning the kitchen utensils can be bit harmful. We have no option but to use kitchen items at a alter point to store food. In this post, we will provide you tips on how to clean the kitchen utensils in safe and natural way. The tips mentioned in this post will make the cleaning easy and fun. Now, there is no scrubbing the microwave and fridge from inside the food craps. You can easily clean with the help of natural cleansers that you can make it from home. The ingredients mentioned here are available in the kitchen.

woman-cleaning-kitchen-horiz 7 simple steps to clean the kitchen
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Easy tips to clean the fridge-Cleaning a fridge is a hectic job for you, as you need to take out edibles and put them again for cleaning.But the best part is now you don’t need to do so. You can clean the fridge with home-made spray. Prepare a mixture of 2 parts of water and 1 part of white vinegar and few drops of lemon oil. Spray the mixture and then wipe out.

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15-Things-Every-Mom-Must-Know-About-Keeping-a-Clean-Kitchen-Photo8 7 simple steps to clean the kitchen
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How to clean wooden cutting board– a wooden cutting board can build lot of residue on its surface. To clean the same, cut the lemon and sprinkle salt on the cutting board and rub the lemon slice against the board. Use a scraper to scratch the salt and lemon mixture. Rinse it with water and set to dry.

01-clean-cutting-boards-baking-soda-sl 7 simple steps to clean the kitchen
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Buy disposable cleaning wipes-disposable cleaning wipes are available at very cheap rate when it comes to daily cleaning and wiping. You can make your own effective cleaning wipes with help of old socks, t-shirt, etc. Soak it into vinegar, water and oil. Then use the same for wiping the stains and it will leave the fragrance behind.

cleaning 7 simple steps to clean the kitchen
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Chemical free natural disinfectant– now, you can easily make chemical free and cost effective natural detergent at home. Mix borax powder, vinegar and citrus. Put the same into spray bottle and use it for cleaning the kitchen.

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Clean the oven-now, you don’t need to add harsh chemicals to clean the oven. You can clean the oven by using baking soda. Mix together1/2 cup of baking soda with water. Wear gloves and clean with sponge or brush dipped with baking soda solution.

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clean-stove 7 simple steps to clean the kitchen
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