Tips for Cleaning Your Microwave and Stove

The stove and the microwave are crucial components of any kitchen. There is seldom any house which can do without the use of these items. Both the microwave as well as the stove is used for the purpose of cooking and warming food items. They need to be cleaned on a regular basis in order to carry out their tasks in the best possible manner. Microwave and stoves are expensive items and one needs to clean them in a very thorough manner in order to ensure that they do not get damaged too quickly.

The first tip which ought to be considered when cleaning out the stove and the microwave is to use a very soft cloth for the cleaning activity. Using something harsh for cleaning might damage the surface area of these items and put them out of action for a few days. One should always make sure that the electricity connection is turned off when cleaning these items with water.

Cold water should be used for cleaning a stove and a microwave and never lukewarm or warm water. Warm water can severely harm the material with which these items are constructed. When cleaning out the stove and the microwave one can make use of pest repellants. These can successfully keep pests from attacking these items in the kitchen during the night. However such repellants are quite poisonous and their use should be exercised only during the time when food is not being cooked or heated.

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One can make use of detergent for cleaning the microwave. The use of detergent powder ensures a very thoroughly cleaning. It can remove all stains that might have occurred on the microwave device in the course of the cooking process or the process of food warming.

When cleaning a stove one should make use of liquid solutions. This is because oil is best removed with the help of such solution. A stove which might be very oily after cooking will no longer be so if one uses liquid soap solution to clean this stove very thoroughly. Thus, there are a few important tips which need to be considered by a person who is cleaning a stove or a microwave. By considering these tips one can ensure that does not do any damage to a stove or a microwave during the whole process of getting it cleaned.

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