Design Considerations when Building a Conservatory

Conservatories have become a popular choice for homeowners who want to increase their living space as building a conservatory can help them to achieve that without having to move house. In addition to enhancing a property through providing a versatile space that can be used for anything from a study to a dining or entertaining room, conservatories can also add value to any property when done right.

This versatile space has the added advantage of allowing in sunlight and warmth while still providing protection against the elements. So, if for any of these reasons you are planning to add a conservatory to your property and you want to complete the installation successfully, it is important to consider the following aspects of its design:

Hire a builder or DIY?

Deciding who will build your conservatory will depend on your budget and expertise. For those keen on DIY, it’s important to note that while some models will come prefabricated for installation they will still need the relevant tools and knowledge to set up. If you choose to hire a builder, always ensure that you hire an experienced and trustworthy contractor who will do an honest job at a reasonable price. Either way, as with all construction projects, high quality safety helmets and other protective clothing is essential to avoid any health and safety issues. Investing in quality equipment, capable contractors and taking the time that’s necessary to carry out the project will ensure that you achieve the best results.

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The first aspect to consider is where to add the conservatory to your existing building. Most homeowners tend to place them at the rear of their properties leading out to the garden, although in some cases, it is possible to situate them on the side of your home or to the front. This leads us to considerations about the direction your conservatory will face:

  • South: Facing your conservatory to the south is the best way to catch the most sun, although this may lead to excessive heat during the summer months.
  • North: Facing north means you will get sunshine at an angle, which may mean lower temperatures and a cold room during winter so you may have to consider heating options if you choose this direction.
  • West: Great if you love plants as facing west will get the sunshine later in the day when its strength has waned.
  • East: Gets the morning sun mostly and will make an ideal breakfast room for your family.

More Design Considerations

Other design considerations when building a conservatory include the type of materials to be used in the construction; the most commonly used are uPVC, aluminum and hardwood. Other aspects to consider such as flooring, heating and ventilation, furniture, and plants depend on the intended use of the conservatory and will also need to be planned for in advance to avoid complication once construction is complete.

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When done right, a conservatory is a great way to add a valuable and practical space to your home that will not only massively compliment your lifestyle, but your property as well. The above considerations are a great way to begin your project and ensure a long lasting and value-adding conservatory.

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