Different Ideas for Dressing Bay Windows

Bay windows are the windows that stick out from the outside wall of a house. Homeowners may try as many options to dress bay windows of their house and thus add beauty to the rooms, where these windows are located. Individuals may either include them among room furnishings or allow them to stand out in the room, so they appear as the room’s focal point.

It may pose homeowners a problem while they try to make bay windows work along with the arrangement of furniture in a room. Another dilemma might occur while decorating the bay windows in the manner, which unifies them along with one another.

No matter how challenging it might be for working with bay windows, however, with proper imagination and ingenuity, homeowners may convert the room where bay windows are located, into an inviting and elegant room.

Individuals may try the 5 different ideas as below and dress bay windows in their house.


1. Treat bay windows as a whole unit: Not like the individual windows, consider bay windows as a whole unit while deciding over their decoration. This is to save them from losing on their attractive design features. The windows may even become cluttered. For reducing droughts and heat loss, dress the bay windows using accessories like curtains.

2. Try using window valance: Another idea for dressing bay windows is using window valance to hide or conceal curtain pole. Do not use roman blinds with dark-colored fabrics. Otherwise the windows may lose their great design form. Window valance, used as an ornate tapestry, helps in hiding curtain pole. It adds beauty both to bay windows and to the room they are in.
bay-window-cornice Different Ideas for Dressing Bay Windows
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3. Create a cornice: By making a cornice and by painting or covering it, homeowners may embellish bay windows. Cornice is a box frame of wood, which is directly attached to wall on top of a window for concealing hardware. For privacy and for allowing little light to enter the room, try adding few short curtains, which cover the window’s lower half. This idea works great and complements the other room elements like the furniture or bed.
bay-window-accordion-shades Different Ideas for Dressing Bay Windows
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4. Use accordion shades: This is yet another way for dressing bay windows. Accordion shades look like accordions having layers of fabric that are spring-colored and that rest over bay windows. The shades add much color to the area where bay windows are. In addition, soft form of the shades offers great look to the architecture. With accordion shades, it is possible to control privacy and light at any time in the room.
bay-window-curtains Different Ideas for Dressing Bay Windows
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5. Use curtains: Use curtain rod, track or pole following the window’s line. For the house to stay warm during the night, allow bay window curtain poles that are of floor length, to be mounted on a ceiling. Make sure the curtains capably draw back to both sides of the bay windows. Velvet curtains are indeed best as they offer a dignified look to the room. Do not forget curtain poles impact the subtle folds and fall of curtains.

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